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# 3 ) Limit your new posts to a maximum of one a day - please don't spam. If it is not then it does not belong here.

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# 2 ) All submissions must be related to the subject of subliminals in some way, shape, or form. If it has sexual themes but does not obviously have nude people or sex acts involved, then use your own judgement. NSFW Content classifies as anything that includes images of nude people. # 1 ) NSFW Content must be tagged as such, or will be at risk of removal. The Rules and Guidelines of /r/Subliminal : Here you may share and discuss any subliminals you encounter in your everyday life, this includes but is not limited to: Subliminals may provide different self-awareness, drives, passions, or goals. However you may see results from the power of suggestion, and small incremental changes about your attitudes. You cannot gain super powers, nor change your eye color, nor change your DNA. : Subliminal messaging as a concept has polarizing studies about the short term and long effects. Adjective : existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual.

Text to speech download british voice